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What “Anti Work” Really Means
Entering your Lazy Girl Era
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What “Anti Work” really means…
And no it does not mean being an a**hole at work.
Obviously the jokes on doing the bare minimum are fun… and great for engagement I might candidly add. Even a huge trend called “Bare Minimum Mondays” took off describing how to resist the urge to rush back into the work week.
So what does “Anti Work” really mean for you?
De-centering our 9-5 from our identity and happiness is crucial! When we attach our jobs to our happiness is when suffering begins. Dream jobs are an idea instilled in us at a young age. There is no dream of a job! Of course there are amazing jobs that will give you the resources to get you to your dream. But your day to day tasks will always feel like a job at some point.
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To stay at your job longer than you need to to pick up extra tasks and projects for some type of fulfillment is backwards. You fill your own cup of love, happiness, freedom and all that yummy stuff to then go do your job. Employers like to play a lot of tricks on us like we’re family and should all be hanging out all day together. It’s amazing if you have awesome coworkers that you love. What isn’t amazing is when you don’t feel fulfilled from your job yet you spin your wheels by spending more and more time there thinking it will get better.
We get to be multi-faceted people. You don’t have to put yourself in one box centered around your career. You do not have to wait for your co workers permission to take on that new hobby or side hustle. You are uniquely you!
What I am describing above is quiet quitting, obviously. And I don’t really talk about this a lot but quiet quitting allowed me to find another job that I could start a business on the side, then scale that business to the point I could leave. I also got a personality, new friends, a boyfriend, and better habits in the process! This is your time to get wildly curious about who you are, what you like, and how you truly want to make money.
Entering your Lazy Girl Era
Lazy Girl jobs are:
Pay the bills
Have clear job responsibilities
Have space to create positive communication habits with your boss
@gabrielle_judgeCareer advice for women who don’t know what remote job to apply to. You can bay your bills at not feel tired at the end of the day. Women are here to collect those pay checks and move on from the work day. We have so much more fun stuff happeneing in our 5-9 that is way more important than a boss that you hate. #corporatejobs #jobsearchhacks #remoteworking #antihustleculture #9to5Tiktok failed to load.
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We are worthy and deserving of these type of jobs. We are worthy of having a job that does not drain us so we are a zombie after work and can’t participate in our life. Even in this recession I promise it’s possible.
Looking for a new job? I run a free job board that is updated monthly!
Answering your Questions
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The Lazy Girl Job Program teaches you how to efficiently apply to each job with tailored resumes with ChatGPT and other tools like job application status trackers as well as so many other fun bonuses. It can be used for most industries. If you have an in-depth understanding of how to prompt ChatGPT, organize your process, evaluate a job description, etc… DONT BUY IT. If you are skeptical PLEASE don’t buy it. I am not here to rip you off, waste your time, nor disappoint. I love to create tools to guide you to your own success. And I value your time and money <3
I am here for all of the questions all of the time. BUT if you have a specific in-depth personal question please ask here so I can give you my 100% attention and care. Answering your questions is super important to me and sometimes DMs and comments don’t give us the space to give enough context.
"We are worthy of having a job that does not drain us so we are a zombie after work and can’t participate in our life" - YES! 🔥 I had a job where I was a zombie after work, I wrote about that here: https://neurodivergentnotes.substack.com/p/finding-hope-and-beauty-in-the-fallow